well this is my first entry in my blog. i've always written things down to help me analyze my thoughts and to ponder on them , now i can share it with someone else. that is great. someitmes there are things that are so clear that you would not see except when someone points it out to you . taking your own opinion most of the time can get you in to trouble. sharing is good, i wish i did more of it in the past
At 6/07/2005 2:17 AM,
Dalulla said…
Hi new comer, not that i am ancient myself!! Blogging is an excellent idea. Very healthy when and if constructive. I pray this blog gives u what u want, and I pray it gives others (including myslef) a good experience as well.
At 6/07/2005 4:30 PM,
Alina said…
Welcome, Doshar! I agree considering only your opinion can get you into a real mess...I should know about that, but then again, I had people who loved me saying I was wrong! :)I guess some experiences you simply have to go through, no matter what others told you, even if you are wrong...Or this is just something I kid myself with in order not to have any regrets. "No regrets,/They don't work". :)
Again, welcome!
At 6/08/2005 12:37 PM,
Alina said…
Hi, Doshar, just saw your comment on my blog! Thank you for all the help and I apologize in advance because I know I'll bug you with endless questions! :))
At 6/08/2005 1:37 PM,
doshar said…
kayla, i am more than happy to answer any questions you have for me. i might have some for you too :)
just plz bear with my answers, because i know my posts are a bit long.
At 6/08/2005 3:20 PM,
Alina said…
I have no problem with long comments, don't worry! Not all answers can be given in short, right? :)
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